Monday, October 4, 2010

Squawk Hex Mat and Tokens

Here's a new hex mat and tokens for playing Squawk with the Grid rules. The 8.5" by 11" hex mat is divided into 1" wide hexes. You may need a few pages this size for big battles. Click on the image to download both the hex mat and the tokens as a single PDF.

Indexed & back in stock

The Squawk RPG book was "out of stock" on Amazon for a little while because we were polishing the book with an index, some slight cover changes, and many grammar corrections.  Amazon says it is now "in stock" again.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Props for Scratch Grid Squawk

We decided not to focus on using the Scratch RPS's Grid rules in the book; we included the grid rules for those who would want them, but the book isn't focused on supporting those rules. Here are some props for a Skand, Titan, and Lyndwrym:

(These were in turn made from 3D models in Blender before this book project started, models for a Squawk RPG computer game we worked on some years ago.)  And if you don't have any hex paper, we made some of that as well: