Monday, February 21, 2011

Scratch vs. Scratch: New KO

If you haven't noticed already, there are actually two versions of the Scratch Role-Playing System out there, the Knol version and the Wiki version.  The Knol version of Scratch is a static online version of what has been printed in the first edition of the Squawk Role-Playing Game book.  The Knol version is going to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

The wiki version of the Scratch RPS is the latest version of Scratch, the version that we are using for our current projects under development.  In general the wiki version of Scratch is better, including our latest improvements.  The biggest change so far is that the Knockout ability has been rewritten to be simpler and to be more fitting with the other abilities.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Squawk Character Sheets

Although the Squawk Role-Playing Game is simple enough to play on scratch paper, these character sheets will help you keep track of modifiers from equipment and allies with craftsmanship ability. Four character sheets fit on one 8.5 x 11" page.