Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Miracle

We attended the two big local conventions this weekend, Sakuracon and Norwescon, and still managed to have some Easter dinner.  The Serpent Lord attended a panel with Neal Stephenson.  (We are fans of his.)  He was impressed with what the panelists were saying about their writing process (spar with weapons, eat, talk, write.  This reminds us of our involvement with Tres Espadas.) But Neal Stephenson was late, and when he rushed into the room after the panel had started, he almost-tripped/stumbled over The Serpent Lord.  The Serpent Lord was impressed with Stephenson's "ninja like reflexes" that kept him from falling on his face - a testament to the value of weapons sparring.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Squawk RPG Errata

We have been working on an Errata for the Squawk Role-Playing Game, which we have published here.  This Squawk RPG Errata lists fixes for all the known errors in the Squawk RPG.  This Squawk RPG Errata is a work in progress, and will be updated regularly as we find more fixes for issues in the Squawk RPG.